20 Anton Rd, Hemmant, Brisbane

Investment summary:

This well-located property in Brisbane’s Trade Coast was acquired, vacant possession, on 9 April 2021 for $6.15m. Small Fish Funds then attained a high quality, long-term tenant, significantly increasing the value of this property. The lease has a five-year term with 3 five-year options, annual CPI reviews and a market review at the beginning of each option. Since acquisition, the property’s fire safety services have been significantly upgraded. 

5,19 and 20 Priority St, Wacol, Brisbane

Investment summary:

This property, which sits within Brisbane’s tightly held southwestern industrial market, was acquired on 17 March 2021 for $6.1m. As these three neighbouring properties are on separate tittles they can be individually sold at a later stage. The tenant, Resitech Resins Pty Ltd, is an Australian leading specialist in plastic recycling and waste management, recycling 8,000 tonnes of waste each year. Since acquisition various improvements have been undertaken including a new structural retaining wall.  

120 Merrindale Drive, Kilsyth, Melbourne

Investment summary:

This property, which sits within Melbourne’s prime eastern industrial market, was acquired on 26 October 2021 for $8m. It has the advantage of being climate controlled with nine roof top air-conditioning units in place. This has been essential for Mondelez chocolate distribution business. There is extensive hardstand, ample on-site car parking, impressive employee amenity, and the ability to extend the warehouse across the front grassed portion. Since acquisition there has been minimal expenditure required.